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The tour will be organized by the owners, Mr Nino and Ms Patrizia, respectively a professional olive-oil taster and a panel leader (a professional figure accredited by the Ministry of Agricultural Policy)
At the end of the class, participants will be able to recognize an extra virgin olive oil by tasting it.
Duration: 2 hours
Seasons: 4 seasons
Num participants: min 2
Target: groups, couples and families
Tags: #salentodellemurge #weareinpuglia #turismosostenibile
Transport: your own car/ rental with driver on request
guided tour of the Nastasia olive-oil mill in Fragagnano
tasting class
tasting of typical local products seasoned with an excellent extra virgin olive oil
6.30 p.m.: Participants will be guided through the process of the making of the “liquid gold”, from olive harvesting to the pressing in the olive-oil mill.
Visit of the farm.
7 p.m.: Tasting class, a real sensory experience to assess the objective quality of an extra virgin olive oil exclusively produced in the Salento Murge area.
7.30 p.m.: Tasting of typical products
price per person:
contacts: 377.3570479

Salento delle Murge - Rete di Imprese aggiudicataria del progetto "N'CASAMU"
finanziato nell’ambito del PSR Puglia 2014/2020 "Misura 16 – Sottomisura 16.3.2 Creazione di nuove forme di cooperazione per lo sviluppo/la commercializzazione dei servizi turistici".