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The guided tour is organized by the Spirito Salentino Cooperative, a company belonging to Salento delle Murge network and leader of the “Cuore Messapico” group, manager of the Archaeological Park of the Messapian Walls of Manduria.
Duration: 2 hours
Opening times: Every day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. in summertime.
Times vary throughout the year, for info consult the website:
Seasons: 4 seasons
Num. participants: no limits
Target: groups, couples and families
Tags: #salentodellemurge #parcoarcheologicomuramessapiche #weareinpuglia
Transport: on foot
By visiting the Archaeological Park, guests will be transported into an atmosphere of mystery, where the history of the ancient Messapian city of Manduria, with his miraculum of the Fonte Pliniano, merges with the legend of the royal hind and the golden almond.
During the tour, visitors will be lead by guides to recreate the life that took place inside those mighty megalithic walls, which have come down to us over the centuries.
An itinerary for history, art and archaeology lovers.
Visitors will smell the scents of the past all around the huge Archaeological Park of the Messapian Walls, and admire the magical atmosphere evoked by the play of light in the hypogean environment of Fonte Pliniano, a place that even impressed Pliny the Elder.
This visit is a journey to discover the history of the ancient city of Manduria: the miraculum of the Fonte Pliniano, the legends of the royal hind and the golden almond, a visit to the small church of San Pietro Mandurino with its frescoes depicting the hermit saints worshipped by basilian monks and the fresco of St. Peter the Apostle.
CONTACTS: 338.1340466 – email: -website:

Salento delle Murge - Rete di Imprese aggiudicataria del progetto "N'CASAMU"
finanziato nell’ambito del PSR Puglia 2014/2020 "Misura 16 – Sottomisura 16.3.2 Creazione di nuove forme di cooperazione per lo sviluppo/la commercializzazione dei servizi turistici".